What is Gifting Brands?

So, what exactly are we doing here? 


We are creating a totally new experience. We want to take something we love (shopping!) and make it fun AND be able to give back to our favorite charities. 


So how did this crazy thing start? Hear it from our Founder Jeannie Barsam:


"After spending over 20 years in the retail industry helping large companies become more profitable, I decided to utilize my love of retail and years of experience to help others.

Many retailers and wholesalers have a problem with excess inventory at the end of a season and I came up with a solution that will help them as well as benefit thousands of people in need. In my past, I found that there were few ways to eliminate excess inventory that did not also damage a brands image and cause low margins. I looked into donating our branded jewelry and apparel to charity, but most charities could not use our products to help their mission.

So, I created Gifting Brands a non-profit eCommerce company. Our mission is to create a digital marketplace where purchasing Brands consumers Love will increase funding for charities and help retail and wholesale brands eliminate their excess inventory. 

At Giftingbrands.com we will sell branded and upscale merchandise and give back 100% of the profits to charity."


Pretty cool, right? If you are interested in learning more about us or have inventory you would like to donate for a tax write off. We will be launching in Fall of 2018 and are accepting goods now.

Email: JBarsam@GiftingBrands.com 

Phone: 972-762-4671

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